The material in this weblog contains documentation relating to the late Kentucky textile innovator and fiber artist Alma Wallace Lesch.
Entries may be used for research and must acknowledge the origin and request permission before use. No part may be republished without gaining permission from the author. Links to it are welcome in your own web-blogs or website.
The works produced by the late Alma Wallace Lesch are currently archived in two Louisville, Kentucky institutions (The Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft; The University of Louisville) and in many private collections throughout the United States. It is the intent of this author to identify these textile works for reseach purposes in order to more fully appreciate the contributions of the artist, author and innovator through her unique signature form of fabric portraiture, and the producer of natural color in fiber (published VEGETABLE DYEING) as well as an authority on fiber throughout her eighty-two year lifespan in Kentucky, USA in North America.