Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Mrs. Burns" #1

This is the first fabric collage portrait that I made ALMA LESCH note
1964    Fabric Collage Portrait
cotton blouse, shoe buttons, pearl buttons, hat pins, fan, and hand punched
cutwork lace on old linsey-woolsey
24 x 38 inches    white and black

Craft Horizons March-April 1965 cover photo

"Uncle Bob"    work jacket, piece of old quilt, straight razor case
gold rim spectacles, wood picture frame, and old billfold on linen
21 x 34 inches    blue, beige, and red
owned by Joseph Heil, New York City


hooked rug stairway (destroyed) Alma Lesch in home stairway
Shepherdsville, KY 1965

March 1965

Alma Lesch with natural dyed yarn 1960 embroidered stitchery above fireplace mantel first shown in Kentucky State Fair. Between 1960-1964 Alma Lesch won 30 ribbons exhibiting at Kentucky State Fair, Louisville.


Alma Lesch in her basement studio, umbrella armature becomes "Jezabel, That Woman" fabric portrait (photo above scroll to find). Ceramic kiln on left.

Craftsman in Studio

note on photo by Alma Lesch  sold to Pricilla Bullitt

April 1965

The Cloth

1969  preparation for exhibition
J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville KY


Basement Studio Shepherdsville, KY

Artist at Work

The Tobacco Setter, detail

Feed Sack Stitchery and collage applique series


early 1960s

Feed Sack series DETAIL needlework

Kentucky State Fair 1960 entry Textiles

Kentucky State Fair debut 1960

Friday, June 12, 2015