Tuesday, February 03, 2009

"Blue Rug" July 1963, 68" x 42"
Cotton, wool, linen, and silk on burlap: Embroidery and applique
colors: blues and yellows
Sold in Atlanta, GA
Part of a collection for Special Award by Craft Horizons, 1965
Atlanta Arts Festival - Juror: Rose Slivka
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"Miss Rathbone" 1974 24" x 30"
Fabric collage portrait
sold in Bloomington, Indiana
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"Mother and Child" 1975
Fabric collage double portrait 59" x 32" old cotton dresses with buttons on linen background, silk roving frame.
This piece won the Evansville Museum of Art and Science Purchase Award at the 1978 Mid-States Crafts Competition at Evansville, Indiana
It became part of the museum's permanent collection.
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"Miss Ivy" 30" x 64" 1973
Farbric collage portrait
owned by Rebecca Scarborough Sneider

(scroll down to Madame Chairman for related info on Ivy T. McBride)
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"He is Risen", November 1963, 35" x 24" wool and cotton on theatrical gauze; Embroidery and applique, vegetable dyed yellows
Honorable Mention- Piedmont Craft Exhibition, Charlotte, N.C. 1964
America House
gift to Frank Page, Louisville, KY
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"Red Rug", February 1964 wool, silk, linen, cotton on weaving: Embroidery and applique 30" x 48"
colors: reds, browns, purples
Sold in Atlanta, Georgia
Part of a collection for Special Award by Juror Rose Slivke Craft Horizons Award, 1965, Atlanta Arts Festival.
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"Salt of the Earth" 72" x 84" Fabric collage portrait 1978
corporate collection, Seattle, Washington
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Bob Thompson Online

Alma Lesch knew this artist. Recieving a note from Mrs. Louis Arnaud Faurest from Elizabethtown, KY after the death of Bob Thompson.

The artist's mother worked for Ms. Arnaud and speaks of the painter's death in Rome and burial "in the negro cemetery which hurt my feelings." The note also states "Bob Thompson's mother has promised to let us have his Louisville paintings for exhibit here. Our Lively Arts has something for local talent occasionally. I would like to have your book (Vegetable Dyeing) for our County Library.

Monday, February 02, 2009

"The Nature of Materials" 1965 Stitchery, hooking, and knotting with drawn threads and window shape pulls on linen background. 24" x 38"
Natural colors
owned by Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Colley
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"Full-O-Pep" Stitchery 20" x 34" 1972
private collection Louisville
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"Uncle Bob Shows his Medals" 1966, 22" x 28"
Shown in The Art of Collage, Zuric 1968
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"Mrs. William Anthony Chickering" 34" x 71"
Fabric collage portrait 1977
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"Joseph's Coat" Stitchery, executed in 1963 size 20" x 54"
colors: reds, purples, oranges, beige on purple linen - hand dyed
All materials are hand dyed--some vegetable, some aniline dyes were used
stitchery and spplique

Honorable Mention- "Craftsmen of the Eastern States" Atlanta

and Museum of Contemporary Crafts, 1963

in family collection, Portland , OR

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"The Belle" 1965 20" x 36"
Old velvetwrist and buttons, with stitchery on linen
Dark blue and yellow
Shown in invitational stitchery exhibition, The J.B. Speed Art Museum
"The Stitch in Time" 1966

sold to Jeffrey Callen
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The Merry Widow 24" x 40"
Fabric collage portrait, 1978 Alma Lesch
sold to Cathy Schuster
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Aunt Stella, 56" x 26" Fabric collage portrait 1976
sold to Nancy Martin and Fred Hendler
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"November" Alma Lesch stitchery, 1967
sold to Dr. William Schyuler
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"Madame Chairman" 27" x 50" fabric collage portrait 1977
Portrait of my neighbor Ivy Troll McBride (noted by the artist for documentation)

Miss Ivy, as everyone in Shepherdsville called her, was a beloved neighbor to the artist. Their properties touched at the fence line between two streets, just a block off Buckman Street, Shepherdsville's main artery, actually Preston Hwy which leads to Okalona to the north.

Known for her colorful poetry (in letters from Ms. Ivy to Alma to be posted soon) Miss Ivy offered the following verse to the local newspaper in the early 1970s, upon the publication of Alma Lesch's 151 Color Recipes for Dyeing Yarns and Fabrics with Natural Materials. (research begun from a 1961 Master of Education Thesis at U of L under Dr. J. J. Oppenheimer (1893-1983).
Alma Lesh wrote: The basis of this thesis was later published in book form as Vegetable Dyeing ...Publisher Watson & Guptill 1970 New York & David & Charles London 1974.

A Tribute to Alma Lesch
Here's to My Friend, Alma Lesch.
NOT she who "seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands"
NOT she, who thru ten years during the quiet hours of night writes a book, proving to others "how to do it" right
NOT she, who worthily gains acclaim at home and abroad, in Halls of Fame
NOT she, who in her small, frail frame labors for months, not to gain a name,
BUT she, who for the sheer love of Beauty and Thrift, gives completely of Self-thru high sense of duty,
But she, who despite her full schedule of labor, drops all, to give aid to a needy friend or neighbor!
But she, whose simplicity and humility knows not the meaning of quite
But thrusts it aside, with her quick, toerant smile, she stands like a rock, in time of distress
And parleys most kindly a thrust, when under duress!
She is the staunch epitome.
Of truth loyalty and integrity
It is THIS ALMA whom the World does NOT, but SHOULD know,
IT IS SHE to whomI pay this Tribute of Love and Admiration.
And add to her other acclaims, MY humble appreciation!
By a Greatful "Fellow Shepherdsvillian", Ivy T. McBride

News of the Day: Thursday, January 28, 1971 The Pioneer News of Shepherdsville, Ky front page news items included:
Third Term County Judge Arson Moore Appointed Chairman for Combs-Carroll in May election
Drug Education Committee Meets at Bullitt Central High School (to prevent future problems caused by abuse)
Colonial House Official Opening (personal care home on Hwy 44 E)
Alma Lesch Book has Recipes for Vegetable-dyed Textiles (as appeared in Courier-Journal, art review)
Retired Persons to Organize AARP Chapter ($2 annual membership at Davidson Memorial Methodist Church)
Stray Bullet Narrowly Misses Sleeping Couple (news from Brooks, KY...The County Sheriff's Office was called to investigate this incident, but they have not yet been able to come up with anything)
Carol Cruise Appointed to County Red Cross Office
News From our State Capitol: Gov. Louie Nunn role in restoring the state budget cut on spending, "I don't intend to be a lame duck."
Local Fire Dept. Has Opening for new Members: requires 4 hour a month and No test required Ages 21-50
Back to School for Board Members: 250 school board members return from Louisville included Dr M. J. Cundiff of Shepherdsville, chairman of KSBA's Fourth Region.
Three Escaped From Bullitt Jail: Jailer Billy Shepherd says escape by sawing a bar out of a second-floor door, no blade was discovered during the 7 a.m. discovery. State Police and Jefferson County are looking for the men.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

this old house, once owned by Alma Lesch, directly across the street from her studio home, was demolished over twenty years ago the artist reconsidered the costs for its restoration...the scallop woodwork on the early 20th century "American Gothic" was an inspiration for the textile motif used in her major corporate commission "Lay of the Land: Kentucky" 1983. Of course Alma's "Southern Gothic" fabric portraits are her trademark works.